B2B communication, e.g. personal conversations,
sales consulting, ...
Product presentation
Simulation of diverse virtual spaces
Product videos and photos
3D product presentation
Staging of your
Virtual tours
Image videos
Digitalization of exhibitons
Additional services
CGI Videos, 3D-Animationen
Feel good service: lounge, catering, coffee and snacks
Worry-free service: Leave it in our hands!
Digital works - if you do it right. What we have learned:
Digital is not just digital
A digital event is also analog. After all, you are on site, personally. If you have guests in the studio, they have actual needs as well. And the viewers on their screens are real people too, just somewhere else. The challenge lies in connecting these worlds. Because your content, your messages should inspire everyone.
Challenge and opportunity
As we see it, a digital event is not just a substitute for cancelled live presentations. It is not a necessary evil - we do it because it offers real opportunity. The starting point may be different, but the possibilities are diverse.
It's not just about technology
Even if professional equipment lays the foundation - the implementation is still carried out by people: you and us. Therefore, our motto is: "Every development stage of digitization increases the value of the personal encounter."
A journey begins with the first step in the right direction
This Hawaiian proverb sums it up. Do it right. You bring in your message, we bring in our experience. A good concept and the right dramaturgy are fun and convincing.
Of course, there is a lot to consider. And we do. Two examples of where dangers might lurk and what we can do about it:
Example 1:
Wow, this online event is lengthy ... I actually still have to .... Ok, I'm switching off. Nobody will notice.‘
We design relevant, exciting and, above all, precise content, send it in appetizing bites and as entertaining as possible.
Example 2:
I don't get it ... I had imagined it differently. Who is that anyway?’
A concrete target group definition, moderation by friendly or even familiar faces and the inclusion of all participants through a variety of interaction options makes it easier for everyone. And your event will be remembered fondly.